Royal Rebel's

King of Games from on November 24th, 2023
Gems 25k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

If you want to learn more about the deck and see how it runs check out my youtube

If you don't own Kuribot just swap it out for any level 1 NORMAL fiend for more trap synergy (I barely used Kuribot anyway) but do keep in mind the skill can just be used as foolish burial for any fiend INCLUDING your level 1s when you draw the trap so you really don't need many.

Other than that I really wouldn't change anything else.

I way prefer this skill over "Royal Rebel's Heavy Drive" because I hate the idea of getting mad over coin flips for no reason when there is a decent alternative (possibly better) skill available. I don't think it's a weak skill but it's definitely a skill desinged to make you mad so imma pass on that one lmao.

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